PS3 Text Hacking Example

The Sony PlayStation 3 was a big deal when it came out in 2006, though I didn’t get one until late 2009. It still serves a purpose as a Netflix and Amazon device nowadays, and has had a long and interesting life. Oh, and it’s been “jailbreak-able” for more people recently with the last exploit. And that’s led to some interesting things that one can do with it. One of those things is text hacking (or even translation) for games not in your language.

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Deatomization: Apple II Micro Mansion

A few years ago I started scanning all sorts of retro computing magazines and books. After the success of the MacAddict scans, I dropped off for a while. Part of my original goal was to get, read, scan, OCR, edit (in cases of a badly scanned page), review, and have witty commentary for everything. That was pretty easy when rereading magazines from my youth- not so much for books! So let me dust off a scan and get it to the world to read – David B. Bonynge’s “Apple II/IIe/IIc Micro Mansion Using your computer to have a safer more convenient home”

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